Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Today in class... 9/22/10

Islamic religion

Was discovered in Arabia
There god's name is Allah
Those who follow the Islamic religion are known as Muslims
It was revealed to humanity  by the prophet of Muhammad (who is the final prophet)

The Holy Book: Qur'an
It is treated with a great deal of respect because it contains the sacred word of Allah
114 chapters - mainly stating that Allah is the most merciful and kind god there is
Some of the fragments have been dated as far back as the eighth century

Holy City
Arabia - its where the religion was first discovered

The population of the religion:
About 1.5 billion around the world

Holy People:
Ibrahim - the Muslims' version of Abraham, the Muslims see him as the father of the Arab people, prophet
Musa - the Muslims, version of Moses, he was a prophet
Dawud - the Muslims' version of David, he was a prophet
Muhammad, the final prophet, Islamic religion was revealed to humanity by him
Allah - their god

Their Belief:
Their god's name is Allah
They believe in their holy book the Quran
They believe in angels
They believe in the prophets
They believe in the day of judgment - a day where they will be assessed to decide whether they go to heaven or hell
They believe in Predestination - Allah has all of the knowledge of everything that will happen

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