Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Today in Class... 11/9/10

1.) Who is the biggest coffee exporter in the world? Brazil
2.) How is coffee made? It come from the coffee bean.
3.) Coffee is the most heavily traded crop in the world.
4.)  commodity - anything that people buy and sell
5.) Coffee fuels tons of coffee allover the world
6.) You can pretty much buy coffee anywhere in the world.
7.) Where is most coffee made? In other foreign countries.
8.) Who consumes the most coffee per person?
9.) per capita - per person
10.) Where does the U.S. grow coffee? Hawaii (the Tropics).
11.) Who makes most of the money when you buy a specialty coffee? The companies that sell it; not the farmers who make it. 
12.) Fair Trade coffee -an organized social movement and market-based approach that aims to help producers in developing countries obtain better trading conditions
13.) Organic Certified coffee - an item has been grown according to strict uniform standards that are verified by independent state or private organizations.
14.) High Quality Coffee -  something that is superior (the best of the best)

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