Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Indian essay

         The population of India is about 1.17 billion people with a total fertility rate of about 2.65 children born per woman. Mumbai’s population is about 18 million people and it is the second most populated city in the world. More than 26% of India’s population lives below the poverty line and it ranked 119 on the list of poverty. The large population of the country has led to many problems in India such as poverty, human trafficking, child exploitation, lack of clean water, and many people having to live in the slums of Mumbai. Also, many riots, known as ‘Mumbai Riots’, have broken out in India because of the many different religions in the over populated city of Mumbai.

            In India, 55% percent of its population lives in slums. A slum, also known as a shantytown, is a highly populated area which is characterized by a very low standard of living. About 18,000 people crowd into one acre with an average of 15 people living in one household. A slum is basically a little hut made out of trash. In the slums, there are about two bathrooms which are located right on their only source of water. The water sources in shantytowns contain trash, human waste, methane gas, and even dead bodies. India struggles to get clean water to its people because of those reasons.

            A majority of people living in India struggle with making a living, therefor they tend to turn to ‘easy’ ways of making money such as human trafficking. Many women and girls as young as 12 years old are human trafficked for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation and forced marriage. Many children who are factory workers, beggars, farmers, and servants face forced labor. The women and young girls are sometimes transported to different part of the country, like goods or cargo, for the use of commercial sexual exploitation to make some money. Even though the government has saved many human traffickers, they cannot save them all. Also, the Indian government is debating on how harshly they should punish the human traffickers once they are rescued.

            Since India is so overpopulated, there are different religious beliefs in the country. Another big problem India faces is the Mumbai Riots. The riots usually always take place in Mumbai and are between the Hindus and the Muslims. The riots started because both religions live in India and they both believe in two totally different gods which eventually lead to major conflict which lead to the riots. The Hindus despise the Muslims and their beliefs so the Hindus attack them and kill them. From the riots, about 2,000 people have been severely injured and the cost from the damages has been estimated at about $3.6 million.

            To me, the movie Slumdog Millionaire portrays life in India accurately. The movie shows flashbacks of the life of Jamal and his brother. In Jamal’s flashbacks, he remembers how his mother was killed in one of the Mumbai Riots, how he ends up rescuing his friend, Latika, from human trafficking, and you also see a little bit of his life in the slums. The flashbacks also show you how overpopulated the streets are in Mumbai and how the traffic is horrendous. Of course, however, it’s a Hollywood film so some of the parts in the movie have been exaggerated. All in all, I personally would not want to live in Mumbai India.           

Sunday, December 5, 2010

India movie post 3

             Human trafficing, child exploitation, and forced labor are some of the problems India faces each day. The population of India has gone up 7% since 2007 because of these problems. Many children and women are trafficked in the country for the purpose of commercial sexual explotation and forced marriage. Children in India face forced labor as factory workers, servants, farmers, and beggars. The children and women are transported like goods to different parts of the country for the use of commercial sexual explotation. Even though India's government rescues some of the human traffickers and forced labor victims, they still can not save all of them. Human trafficking, and forced labor have become such huge problems in India because India faces huge amounts of poverty and homelessness so the people resort to human trafficking as a way to make some money. The Indian government is still debating on whether or not they should punish the human traffickers harshly or not.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Indian movie post 2

Bollywood makes hundreds more movies than Hollywood.

The names of the three musketeers were Athos, Porthos, and Aramis.

A chai wallah is a person who provides tea either by selling it or bringing it.

5 interesting facts about the Taj Mahal are...

  • It took 22 years to build and 22,000 people to build it.
  • It costs about $100 million U.S. dollars
  • over 1,000 elephants were used to carry the materials for the building it
  • It appears to be pink in the morning, white during the day, and golden in the moonlight
  • 28 types of precious marble was inlaid into the white marble

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Mumbai riots

It mostly happened in Mumbai

It was between the Muslims and the Hindus

the Hindus would attack the Muslims by killing them

The cost from the damages of the riots was estimated around $3.6 million 

2,000 people have been injured in these riots

The riots started because both religions lived in India and they both believed in different gods... therefor there was a lot of conflict which resulted in the riots

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Indian movie post

  • It is the capital of Maharashtra in India
  • It is located on the west coast of India
  • It is the second most populated city in the world with about 18 million people
  • It is the richest city in India
  • In 2009 it was named an alpha world city

  • It is the Mumbai-based production empire
  • It is one of the largest filming industries in the world
  • It is derived from Bombay and the word Hollywood
  • It is not a physical place

  • Often described as he largest slum in Asia
  • It is about 427 acres in the shape of a triangle in the central of Mumbai - 18,000 people crowd into one acre
  • It houses about 600,000 people
  • An average of 15 people live in one house
  • It is known as Mumbai's "Shadow City".