Sunday, December 5, 2010

India movie post 3

             Human trafficing, child exploitation, and forced labor are some of the problems India faces each day. The population of India has gone up 7% since 2007 because of these problems. Many children and women are trafficked in the country for the purpose of commercial sexual explotation and forced marriage. Children in India face forced labor as factory workers, servants, farmers, and beggars. The children and women are transported like goods to different parts of the country for the use of commercial sexual explotation. Even though India's government rescues some of the human traffickers and forced labor victims, they still can not save all of them. Human trafficking, and forced labor have become such huge problems in India because India faces huge amounts of poverty and homelessness so the people resort to human trafficking as a way to make some money. The Indian government is still debating on whether or not they should punish the human traffickers harshly or not.

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