Sunday, October 24, 2010

God GrewTired Of Us Asignment


1.) in-migration- migration into a country (immigration)

2.) out-migration- migration from a country (emmigration)

3.) forced migration- the coerced (forced) movement of a person away from their home region

4.) net internal migration- the difference between in-migration and out-migration

5.) movers from abroad- people coming into a nation from another country or part of the world

6.) internally displaced person (IDP)- a person who was forced to leave their home but remains within their country's borders

Today in class we finished watching the movie God Grew Tired of Us. When they first got on the plane, they were extremely excited to be going to America and living their new lives. Since they had been deprived of the many things that we Americans take advantage of every single day, they had no idea how to use electricity, take a shower, use a toilet, and how o use a refrigerator. Also, when they went to the grocery store, they didn't know basically any of the foods that were there! We also saw the beginning of one of their jobs; he worked at a factory packing things into boxes and then he had to go to McDoalds and flip burgers. I can only imagine what an udjestment it was for all of them and also how scary it must have been to leave their homeland and family behind.

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